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20 Thoughts to “Dome Fuji To -67.2C (-89F); March Blizzards For The High Plains; Winters In China; Fuego Eruption; Stratospheric Changes; Nothing They Say…”
Times of India YouTube News now reporting Moscow was bombed, airports closed.
US Navy jet fuel tanker ship was rammed and on fire E of UK, both ships ablaze. The ramming containership is carrying toxic chemicals. Jet fuel tanker was at anchor E of Hull and got T boned. N wind 21mph now.
German container ship just blew up our jet fuel tanker which provides jet fuel for our military. German ship carrying containers of sodium cyanide. Both ships caught on fire, this accident should not have happened with modern electronic navigation systems. Alarms would go off, they both have the other ships on radar right there. They T boned our anchored oil tanker ship at 16 knots. Why was our ship anchored in a known regular route of the German ship in the first place?
The German container ship made in China is named Solong. The container ports it goes to are built by China as part of the Belt Road.
Russian working on a German ship bought from China to deliver containers in EU ports owned by China on the Belt Road which is the same as the UN Agenda 30 program funded by the US printing money backed by nothing. ever since Nixon took us off the Gold Standard when we became a net importer of oil. That’s when the war on carbon started, they had Earth Day and greenhouse gas was the new buzz. Save the unicorns.
“Sensational new discoveries arising from long-forgotten early aerial photographs indicate that ice has remained stable and even grown slightly since the 1930s over a 2,000 km stretch of East Antarctica…Compared to modern data, the ice flow speeds are unchanged. While some glaciers have thinned over shorter intermediate periods of 10-20 years, they have remained stable or grown slightly in the long term, indicating a system in balance,” it was noted.”
“Actual long-term scientific observations will always beat media-friendly computer-modelled pseudoscientific opinions and alarm drummed up by short-term outliers.”
The IPCC uses a clear, easy-to-read graph of the variations in polar ice extent. The graph uses only the months of March and September to show the annual ice maximum and ice minimum for the Arctic and the months of September and February to show the annual ice maximum and ice minimum for the Antarctic
These IPCC graphs show a decrease in Arctic ice extent between 1990-2010.
In the other years, the ice extent is the same.
NOAA is comprised of thousands of people. Probably most are adherents to scientific principles. I don’t know that, is just my opinion.
What’s apparently also true is the controlling suits & “scientists” at NOAA are infected with the Global Warming virus, such that I can no longer automatically trust their publicized headlines and findings.
Any supposedly objective organization that goes back, as has been clearly shown in before and after graphs, to ~1850 and drops the temperature by two degrees to show a faux warming trend can not be trusted.
Two countries that have an extensive history with cold centuries: the Russians are preparing for cold. The Chinese are preparing for cold. So too should the Western world be preparing.
How weak will next solar cycle be and how do you know? The old GSM charts are all wrong you can’t use those. What makes you think next solar cycle will be very weak? Why will it get cold if you don’t know how weak next solar cycle will be?
I don’t believe that NOAA TSI prediction at all, way over the top.
They haven’t updated the WSO Solar Polar Field Strength chart in almost a year. Hurry up and wait…
The 2nd link was in late Sep. 2023. The Prof.’s Double Dynamo theory of solar magnetic fields and cycles has proven 97% valid when hindcasted against paleoclimatic proxy data going back for thousands of years. How the hell do you FOREcast a theory against the future of unhappened climate? One can project a postulate but there is no real science in postulation. it is the first step in the scientific process towards a theory and testing of same. I eagerly look forward to your theory, Dirk. The UN’s multiple climate models have not worked at all against observations over the last 100+ years as their biases will always produce much higher warming in the last 100 years and projected into the future than is observed. One solution to this problem suggested by one of the UN alarmists/warmists was to stop taking observations. So Dirk, I put my confidence in the science espoused by Prof. V.K., against what you put the logic of your bitchy questions in? We have less than 7 years if VK is correct, to at least start to have serious discussions about what happens if VK is even 50% correct, and how will we in the Northern Hemisphere handle 50 plus years of the recorded (400 years ago) Maunder Minimum climatic catastrophic conditions, delivered upon one billion humans at that time and when 10% of them perished due to starvation or simply froze their asses off. Are there not some other Electroverse subscribers remotely concerned about this issue? I kind of think Dirk is, and he is just prodding us. Like Trump does, maybe? Consider me prodded. Billy Best, in the Vancouver BC area.
SC25 is bigger than SC24 so she was wrong. Sun’s mag strength increased so she was wrong. Easy to see on the charts showing she was and is wrong.
Electron spike now strongest on the yearly chart:
That shows NH snow depth increased as solar activity increased.
Snow depth now does not prove SC26 will be weak next decade. You just use that as evidence but it’s not.
There is no updated SC26 prediction chart showing it will be weak. Or for the next two. The old GSM prediction charts are wrong can’t use those.
I have three SC prediction charts showing SC26 will be stronger than SC25, no GSM or cooling. ’09 was the low. Because mag strength increased last decade showing Zarkova was wrong eleven years ago. Ask Ben Davidson.
Times of India YouTube News now reporting Moscow was bombed, airports closed.
US Navy jet fuel tanker ship was rammed and on fire E of UK, both ships ablaze. The ramming containership is carrying toxic chemicals. Jet fuel tanker was at anchor E of Hull and got T boned. N wind 21mph now.
German container ship just blew up our jet fuel tanker which provides jet fuel for our military. German ship carrying containers of sodium cyanide. Both ships caught on fire, this accident should not have happened with modern electronic navigation systems. Alarms would go off, they both have the other ships on radar right there. They T boned our anchored oil tanker ship at 16 knots. Why was our ship anchored in a known regular route of the German ship in the first place?
The German container ship made in China is named Solong. The container ports it goes to are built by China as part of the Belt Road.
Solong’s captain is a Russian national and is probably one of Putin’s spies who has carried out a Russian terrorist attack.
Russian working on a German ship bought from China to deliver containers in EU ports owned by China on the Belt Road which is the same as the UN Agenda 30 program funded by the US printing money backed by nothing. ever since Nixon took us off the Gold Standard when we became a net importer of oil. That’s when the war on carbon started, they had Earth Day and greenhouse gas was the new buzz. Save the unicorns.
Looks like a Western trough this week but milder for the Eastern US for now.
ARTICLE: Antarctica Ice Growing Across Large Areas for at Least 85 Years, Aerial Photos Show
–Just what Cap has been saying.
“Sensational new discoveries arising from long-forgotten early aerial photographs indicate that ice has remained stable and even grown slightly since the 1930s over a 2,000 km stretch of East Antarctica…Compared to modern data, the ice flow speeds are unchanged. While some glaciers have thinned over shorter intermediate periods of 10-20 years, they have remained stable or grown slightly in the long term, indicating a system in balance,” it was noted.”
“Actual long-term scientific observations will always beat media-friendly computer-modelled pseudoscientific opinions and alarm drummed up by short-term outliers.”
–Yes, they will.
Climate charlatans:
“When in danger or in doubt, run in circles, scream and shout.”
They do lots of running, screaming and shouting…the same as does any other flavor of fanatic.
Ya,, those other guys. Boy howdy.
Do you have an updated GSM chart?
The IPCC uses a clear, easy-to-read graph of the variations in polar ice extent. The graph uses only the months of March and September to show the annual ice maximum and ice minimum for the Arctic and the months of September and February to show the annual ice maximum and ice minimum for the Antarctic
These IPCC graphs show a decrease in Arctic ice extent between 1990-2010.
In the other years, the ice extent is the same. Sea Ice Coverage and Thickness
Figure 2.20 | Changes in Arctic and Antarctic sea ice area.
Sorry the above link is to the wrong graph (Figure 2.21).
This is the correct link to Figure 2.20
What makes you guys think the next solar cycle will be very weak?
NOAA is comprised of thousands of people. Probably most are adherents to scientific principles. I don’t know that, is just my opinion.
What’s apparently also true is the controlling suits & “scientists” at NOAA are infected with the Global Warming virus, such that I can no longer automatically trust their publicized headlines and findings.
Any supposedly objective organization that goes back, as has been clearly shown in before and after graphs, to ~1850 and drops the temperature by two degrees to show a faux warming trend can not be trusted.
Two countries that have an extensive history with cold centuries: the Russians are preparing for cold. The Chinese are preparing for cold. So too should the Western world be preparing.
So True. Thanks
How weak will next solar cycle be and how do you know? The old GSM charts are all wrong you can’t use those. What makes you think next solar cycle will be very weak? Why will it get cold if you don’t know how weak next solar cycle will be?
Put Zarkova’s prediction number for SC25 on the solar cycle comparison chart down below the pink line. That shows how much she was and is wrong.
Since her SC25 prediction is wrong, so are the other solar cycles on the GSM prediction.
NOAA says the next 3 solar maxima will have increasing solar radiation.
NOAA graph:
I don’t believe that NOAA TSI prediction at all, way over the top.
They haven’t updated the WSO Solar Polar Field Strength chart in almost a year. Hurry up and wait…
Hi Dirk. You just ripped off my climate scab. 1st., show me how/why the “old GSM charts are all wrong… and 2nd, the latest GSM logic, explained by Prof. Valentina Zharkova (VK) is wrong in an interview with a Canadian science journalist, Stuart McNish; see:
The 2nd link was in late Sep. 2023. The Prof.’s Double Dynamo theory of solar magnetic fields and cycles has proven 97% valid when hindcasted against paleoclimatic proxy data going back for thousands of years. How the hell do you FOREcast a theory against the future of unhappened climate? One can project a postulate but there is no real science in postulation. it is the first step in the scientific process towards a theory and testing of same. I eagerly look forward to your theory, Dirk. The UN’s multiple climate models have not worked at all against observations over the last 100+ years as their biases will always produce much higher warming in the last 100 years and projected into the future than is observed. One solution to this problem suggested by one of the UN alarmists/warmists was to stop taking observations. So Dirk, I put my confidence in the science espoused by Prof. V.K., against what you put the logic of your bitchy questions in? We have less than 7 years if VK is correct, to at least start to have serious discussions about what happens if VK is even 50% correct, and how will we in the Northern Hemisphere handle 50 plus years of the recorded (400 years ago) Maunder Minimum climatic catastrophic conditions, delivered upon one billion humans at that time and when 10% of them perished due to starvation or simply froze their asses off. Are there not some other Electroverse subscribers remotely concerned about this issue? I kind of think Dirk is, and he is just prodding us. Like Trump does, maybe? Consider me prodded. Billy Best, in the Vancouver BC area.
SC25 is bigger than SC24 so she was wrong. Sun’s mag strength increased so she was wrong. Easy to see on the charts showing she was and is wrong.
Electron spike now strongest on the yearly chart:
That shows NH snow depth increased as solar activity increased.
Snow depth now does not prove SC26 will be weak next decade. You just use that as evidence but it’s not.
There is no updated SC26 prediction chart showing it will be weak. Or for the next two. The old GSM prediction charts are wrong can’t use those.
I have three SC prediction charts showing SC26 will be stronger than SC25, no GSM or cooling. ’09 was the low. Because mag strength increased last decade showing Zarkova was wrong eleven years ago. Ask Ben Davidson.